Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Who Attacked The WTC on 9/11 Again?

I don't know how many other people noticed this, but it wasn't Iraq who attacked us on 9/11, it was Bin Laden and AL Qaeda. Somehow everyone was convinced, by the Bush administration, that Iraq was the real enemy. Did Saddam plan the WTC attacks? I don't think so. We are in Iraq right now because of the 9/11 attacks. Without them there would be no war, because the Bush administration would have had no excuse to send troops over there. And now the CIA cut a unit that was tracking AL Queda. This happened late last year, but we're just finding out about this now.
But the question still looms: "What about bin Laden, the man Bush pledged to get 'dead or alive'?". It seems that everyone has forgotten about the man responsible for the largest terrorist attacks on U.S. soil, especially the president. "We remain unwilling to share the president's seeming complacency about bin Laden he expressed in March 2002: 'I don't know where he is ... I truly am not that concerned about him'". That quote shows exactly what type of a president Bush is. How could he possible not care about the man who attack his country. Shouldn't this man be brought to justice?

(I originally read about this in the Chicago Tribune)


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