Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Bush's Plan to End Violence in Iraq...yea right

"President Bush said Tuesday a new plan to increase U.S. and Iraqi forces in the besieged capital of Baghdad will help quell rising violence that is threatening Iraq's transformation to a self-sustaining democracy."

This means more troops will be sent to Iraq, when we should be bringing them home. This means more US casualties of course. They really need to train the Iraqi's to defend their own country, because the American public is getting awful sick of this. First of all, it was a bad idea to begin with (yea all those lies of weapons of Mass Destruction didn't help), but now we seriously need to get things to where we can get our guys out of there. I mean Bush had his fun with his little invasion and he got to play "Army" for awhile, but he needs to put his toys away (its time for dinner HA!). But seriously somebody's got to stop this guy.


Blogger Woozie said...

And by dinner you mean a 7.62 mm bullet through the eyeball?

I wonder if the CIA is watching?

7/26/2006 08:14:00 PM  
Blogger The Pawn said...

Yea I'm sure they're keeping tabs on you and your blog, along with your phone calls and any other private records that the patriot act is allowing them to see...bummer, huh?

7/26/2006 08:57:00 PM  
Blogger Mistress Regina said...

One has to wonder if the Bush twins came as a result or artificial insemination or if it was another immaculate conception.

I don't know how lamedick George W could have done the deed. The best screwing he's done is to all of us without vasoline through his so called war on terror.

Ladies, Goddesses And Bitches.

7/28/2006 07:22:00 AM  

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