Leave of Absence
It has been a long time since my last post, which I apologize for. The school year has begun and I have been very busy moving back in to my dorm, getting school supplies and starting classes. This leave of absense may continue for a short while, until I get situated in all my classes and my residence, but I will return.
-Love, the Grammar Nazi
Came by to see if you had returned yet. Once you've done your new posting, would you update my link... Fear and Loathing - The Gonzo Papers
Things somehow got twisted with Blogger and my old blogspot is lost in some type of Archive Hell!!
I'd say you might find some bloggables, but being back on campus I can't imagine that's something you'll ever be short of. I willl look for word from you.
oh oops, I guess I was thinking adsense. wow thats been up there a long time.
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