Why Can't We Be Friends?
"Hezbollah guerrillas unleashed their deadliest rocket attack on northern Israel on Sunday, killing 12 reserve soldiers with a single missile at this kibbutz and killing at least three people and wounding dozens more with a barrage that battered Haifa. "
The end result of this conflict isn't going to benefit either one of these countries. Things are going to be just the way they were before this war started after this is all over, except with fewer people alive in each country and many more piles of rubble.
"The U.S.-French agreement Saturday on a U.N. resolution calling for "a full cessation of hostilities" marked a significant advance after weeks of stalled diplomacy aimed at ending the conflict."
Finally the US is calling for peace, instead of this "just let them fight it out" attitude. But of course Lebanon rejected the resoluton and any peace talks. How do they expect this to come to an end if they won't negotiate? Granted, the resolution didn't call for the removal of Israeli forces from Lebanon, so I understand why they'd reject the resolution, but Hezbollah seems like its not even making an effort to end the fighting.
As for the rocket attacks. These are absolutely out of hand. Each side seems to be just aimlessly shooting rockets into cities. Are they even aiming for military targets? It doesn't seem like it.