Saturday, July 22, 2006

Post people!

So, I know their are a select few people who are reading this blog, but none of you ever really post. I want to hear what you guys have to say. Do you agree with me or disagree? Let me know. If you're too shy to post then shoot me an email. Have a blog you think I should check out? Tell me about it.

U.S. Rushes More Bombs To Israel

War is within a breath, with Israel and Lebanon exchanging missile attack, and Israel massing troops on Lebanon's border. The evacuation is still underway and by the time they finish no one will be left in Lebanon. Now the US is getting further involved in the situation not only by rushing bombs to Israel, but also by sending Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice to visit Israel. She will not be visiting Lebanon however (go figure). I am sure this will do nothing to increase our popularity among the Arab nations (Does anyone else smell American flags burning). And the rest of the world isn't very pleased with our anti-cease-fire stance. While every other country voices their opinions on how this fighting must stop, the US is egging on the war.
"Hezbollah 's armed presence on Israel's border and the role of its allies, Syria and Iran — [have] to be tackled first." (before a cease-fire that is). Sounds to me like the US wants to see a fight, huh.
I, like many of you, just hope to see this conflict over as soon as possible, with minimal casualties. That however does not look like it's going to happen.


Clerks 2

Yea, I realize this has nothing to do with politics, news or anything even slightly related to this blog.

But myself being a huge Kevin Smith fan, I have to say something about the new Clerks. I went to see it last night and it was absolutely hilarious. If you are not bothered by vulgar language and racist jokes then you will love this movie, especially if you saw and liked the first Clerks, back in 94. So go see Clerks II!

...real posts later, I promise

Friday, July 21, 2006

U.S. Evacuation of Lebanon

If you haven't been reading the paper or watching the news then you probably haven't heard about the U.S. evacuating americans in Lebanon. It has been criticized as one of the slowest evacuation efforts in Lebanon. Other countries were making more of an effort to get their citizens out of harms way.
There was also talk of the U.S. government charging americans who were being evacuated a fee for transportation. This was dismissed later, but it was a proposterous idea in the first place. Who thought that up?
Bush? Rice?... Ridiculous! When, at any point in history, did a country charge its citizens to be evacuated?
That bothers me.

This whole situation in Israel and Lebanon is looking to be a very long one. A cease-fire is not going to be in sight for a quite awhile. But I guess this is nothing new to the middle east. Rockets falling from the sky seems to have been a daily occurence over there for what seems like an eternity. Everytime I have picked up the paper, since I can remember, there has been a picture of a demolished building in Israel. Maybe one day that will all end and there will be peace over there...but that seems to be very unlikely.


Tuesday, July 18, 2006

The Death of The Internet?

The story is that the major ISP's are going to completely control the internet. All other traffic, including blogs, will load extremely slowly. The internet will be regulated. ISP's will control what you see on the internet. Personally, I see this as a road-block to my right to free speech. Blogs will be shut down left and right because of this. Any content that the ISP's don't agree with will be eliminated from the internet as we know it. Even downloading music off of iTunes could become slow and cumbersome. This is an outrage! To stop this from happening you need to get in touch with your senator and a great way to do this is through save the

Bush Keepin it PG....woops!

Man, I really should be sleeping right now since I have to get up early, but... well I'm not. I recently joined The Bestest Blog of All-Time, which is really a great idea to help promote link exchanges. If any of my readers have a blog, then I highly recommend it.

Now down to a little bit of business... President Bush slipped a few explitives in on accident while in Saint Petersburg, Russia.

" Mr Bush was caught saying that a key to defusing the Middle East crisis was for "Hezbollah to stop doing this s**t". "What they need to do is get Syria to get Hizbollah to stop doing this s**t, and it's over," Bush told British Prime Minister Tony Blair at a leaders' lunch at the Group of Eight industrial countries gathering here."

This isn't the first time this has happened either, if my memory is correct. He really should probably watch his P's and Q's a little bit more. This is definitely bad publicity for him. It seems to kind of be big news in the media.

Bush needs to put a couple quarters in the cussing jar...tsk tsk
